martes, 14 de abril de 2020

Definite and Indefinite articles

Definite and Indefinite articles

In English there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective.

The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. 


  A book             An apple

 A banana           An car 

They can be used in longer sentences too:

1. He is a lawyer.
2. It is an ugly hotel.
3. He is a clever boy.
4. She is a good football player. 
5.  It is an empty bottle.

TIPS to use articles A / An: 

Uncountable nouns or nouns in plural DO NOT use indefinite articles.

INCORRECT: I need a sugar
CORRECT: I need some sugar.

INCORRECT: I want a cakes for my birthday.
CORRECT: I want some cakes for my birthday. 

The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. 

TIPS of pronunciation of article THE: 

Use the definite article the with any noun (whether singular or plural, count or noncount) when the specific identity of the noun is known to the reader, as in the following situations:

  • Use the article the when a particular noun has already been mentioned previously.

I ate an apple yesterday. The apple was juicy and delicious.

  • Use the article the when an adjective, phrase, or clause describing the noun clarifies or restricts its identity.

The boy sitting next to me raised his hand.
Thank you for the advice you gave me.

  • Use the article the when the noun refers to something or someone that is unique.

the theory of relativity
the 2003 federal budget

TIPS to use article THE: 

There are certain situations in which a noun takes no article.

Use no article with plural count nouns or any noncount nouns used to mean all or in general.

Trees are beautiful in the fall. (All trees are beautiful in the fall.)
He was asking for advice. (He was asking for advice in general.)
I do not like coffee. (I do not like all coffee in general.)

 TIPS  when DO NOT  use article THE:

Examples of the Use of Articles

I do not want a gun in my house (any gun).
The gun is in his closet (implies there is a specific gun).
I am afraid of guns (all guns in general).

She sent me a postcard from Italy (an unspecific postcard - not a letter, not an e-mail).
It's the postcard that I have in my office (one specific postcard).
Getting postcards makes me want to travel (any postcard in general).

I have a dog (one dog).
The dog is very friendly (the dog that I have already mentioned).
Dogs make great pets (dogs in general).

We are going to see the Statue of Liberty this weekend (the only Statue of Liberty).

As you can see, articles are easy, just you have to define if you are talking, in general or something specific.


" El Inglés, tú y yo podemos ser amigos".

See you!!